Why Hire an Attorney?

If you have had an auto accident, you are probably facing a number of expenses – car car wreckrental, medical expenses, lost wages, etc. When the insurance company makes an offer, it seems like taking their offer may solve many of your problems. Why then would you want to hire an attorney that is going to cost you money?

How Do You know what your Case is Worth?
You don’t do this type of thing every day. It would be hard to image that you could have the knowledge and experience to properly access your situation the way an attorney would.

Avoid Mistakes
There are deadlines to be met. There is important information to be gathered. There are things that can’t be overlooked. An attorney can help you avoid those mistakes.

Someone on Your Side
The insurance company is highly motivated to reduce the amount of your claim. They will probably make a ridiculously low offer initially. They have their ways of making your case look smaller than it is and to motivate you to accept their low ball offer. Your attorney can help you navigate the situation to maximize your opportunity.

When you have an attorney on your side, he or she will communicate with the insurance company for you and present evidence that demonstrates your damages. If the insurance company still refuses to make a reasonable settlement offer, your lawyer may file a lawsuit to ensure that you recover the compensation to which you are entitled under Florida law.

At Nightingale Law, we understand how the importance of providing car accident victims access to quality legal representation. This is why we offer  case evaluations and will never collect legal fees unless we win your case.Robin Nightingale focuses her practice as a personal injury attorney in Clearwater, Palm Harbor, Largo, Dunedin and the Tampa Bay area.

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